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Edisi Pertama (2009) Lipatan Chevron Lipatan Antiklin Intrusi Dyke Ketidakselarasan Bersudut Djauhari Noor PROGRAM STUDI TEKNIK GEOLOGI FAKULTAS TEKNIK – UNIVERSITAS PAKUAN Jalan Pakuan, PO.Box 452 Bogor, www.unpak.ac.id Tentang Penulis: Djauhari Noor adalah lulusan dari Departemen Teknik Geologi, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) tahun 1982. Mendapatkan Postgraduate Diploma dalam bidang Geomorphology pada Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences, Enschede, The Netherlands pada tahun 1989. Menyelesaikan pendidikan pasca sarjana dan mendapat gelar Master of Science (M.Sc) dalam bidang Applied Geomorphological and Engineering Geological Surveys pada Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences, Enschede, The Netherlands pada tahun 1992. Penulis adalah dosen pada Program Studi Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Pakuan - Bogor sejak tahun 1985 hingga sekarang.

“Water is the driver of nature” (Leonardo da Vinci) Dear friends Have you ever been to Blue Mountain Sydney? You must have seen this roundabout. But you may have missed this information. If you did see the roundabout, you may not think that it is actually a water tank down below. It collects rain water flowing on the near by street.

In other words, it is a rain water harvesting system. The collected water then is filtered and disinfected before distributed to toilet flushing facilities. This the roundabout This is the info board, explaining the system Now since I am a proud Bandung citizen. Let’s count how many roundabouts in Bandung. This is an example of roundabout. You know perfectly where it is right, and you must aware of how fast the run off flows around it at rainy days.

Let’s count how many of them we have in Bandung and count how much rain water and groundwater we can save. You also must aware that water management is clearly described in Al Quran (Quran 16:65). See point no 4 at this website (theecomuslim.com). So it’s doable. (image from: ) This was a question popped by one of my friend. The question then harvests so many responses.

So I thought it would be useful if I make a summary out of that. There are arguments that we should teach statistics, not only using manual calculation but also by using software such as SPSS, Minitab, Stata etc. Most of teachers or lecturers preferred to use manual calculation. What is your expert opinion on this? Software aided vs manual “by-hand” calculation As a start, several participants would use statistic software as part of the “must-have” computer skills for their students and graduates. They are also aware of the needs of statistician with sufficient computer skills in today’s job market and industries. 5.1 Dolby Digital Telugu Songs.

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